A campaign video is a great tool to convey a message. Whether you would like to elucidate and inform, influence the demographic’s opinions or get new customers, Wasabi Film can help. We produce campaigns and branding videos with moving pictures and intense visual effects that reach your target audience.
Campaigns can be used in several ways, including political campaigns, PR, and marketing campaigns. Studies show that visuals get up to 80% more views than textual posts. Something happens to us, which awakens our understanding and empathy when we see people and hear their voices.
We will adjust the tone of voice depending on the desired demographic and the purpose of the campaign. In some instances, an animated film sig bedst til formålet. Mens det i andre tilfælde er bedst med en branding- eller employer branding campaign.
Branding and campaign films are no longer just reserved for large companies with big budgets. Today, you can reach a specific target audience through your own channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Social media platforms are excellent communication channels where you can achieve significant reach with stunning visuals and strong effects.
Check out campaigns and commercialsbelow:
Profil Optik
Kampagnefilm produceret for Profil Optik
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Klima X – Ferie i Danmark
En ud af fire kampagnefilm produceret for Klima X
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Fiktionsfilm som lancerer årets værter på Smukfest 2014. Herunder […]
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iDance – Groove 114
1 ud af 8 kampagnefilm produceret for iDance.
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2 reklamefilm for Rokkedahl om Limfjords Kylling […]
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Profil Optik – Reklame
Reklame produceret for Profil Optik.
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Wasabi Film producerede Aarstidernes første reklamespot. Her opridser en […]
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Reklamefilm produceret for VM Badminton.
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Kampagnefilm produceret for præsidentkandidat Atiku i forbindelse med det […]
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Wasabi Film har produceret mere end 50 reklamespot for […]
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CHANGE Fashion Show – Kapitel 3
Kampagnefilm i 7 kapitler produceret for CHANGE Lingerie.
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Horsens Kunstmuseum
Brandingfilm for Horsens Kunstmuseum.
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What is a campaign film?
The classic campaign film is often one of several campaign elements running during a limited period. Here, the film aligns with the company’s values and commercial offerings. By starting from a narrative, you can capture the viewer's attention in a sophisticated and unconventional way. This form of communication is a delicate balance, and with over 15 years of experience in advertising and campaign films, we will advise and guide you through it.
When you choose Wasabi Film as an advertising agency, advertising agency- you are guaranteed an original concept for your film. We produce with great curiosity and with a high ambition to always deliver the best product. We are with you all the way. Together we find the right focus for your message and target group.
You are welcome to explore our many film productions and maybe you'll find inspiration for your next campaign film.